Why do we have Labour Day?
What happens on Labour Day?
Why is it an weekend?
New Zealand workers was the first in the world to the right of an eight-hour day holiday. It was held in honour of working people. Labour Day is a public holiday held on the fourth Monday in October. Samuel Parnell invented Labour Day for the people who work. Labour Day commemorates the struggle for an eight-hour working day. New Zealand workers were among the first in the world to claim this right when, in 1840, the carpenter Samuel Parnell won an eight-hour day in Wellington. It was first celebrated on the 28 October 1890, the fourth Monday in October.
The three-day Labour Day weekend can be a great way to step away from your home, or work, at home job, to recharge your batteries and spend some time with your family.
The original intent of Labor Day was to provide a holiday that would honor the social and economic achievements of American workers. Essentially, it was intended to as an annual national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, growth, and well-being of our country.